Loving Pink has just celebrated her birthday and in line with that she is giving away cool prizes to five lucky winners.
1st Prize
$20 Cash (to given via Paypal)
1 .com domain for 1 year
1 Reseller Hosting Account (optional)
125×125 Advertisement from EMN Hosting
2nd Prize
$5 Cash (to be given via Paypal)
$5 Cash from Jojomei (to be given via Paypal)
1 .info domain for 1 year
w/ Unlimited Hosting (optional)
3rd Prize
$3 Cash from Dianne (to be given via Paypal)
$2 Cash from sis Ayah
1 .info domain for 1 year
w/ Unlimited Hosting (optional)
~ Two winners ~
$2 (each) Provided by sis Ayah of hijabified.net and etc!
1 .info domain for a year
with Unlimited Hosting (optional)
1. Follow @twinklepuff in twitter. (2 pts)
2. Tweet this: (3 pts)
I am joining Loving Pink’s Happy Birthday Contest 2011 at http://bit.ly/happybday2011! #contest #2011 #happybdaynadine #ilp
3. Follow
Loving Pink,
Just Quixotic,
Hey Miss! through Google Friend Connect
(5 pts*)4. Link the following websites in your sidebar
(30 pts*) | Just Quixotic! | Christian Bautista | Ai-saka chan! | My Happy Thoughts | My Website Tutorials |
| Sukidesu! | A Yummy Heart | The Rainbow Star | Arua Days | Strawberry tears | LiLPink | Kcaiyah | PinkCraze | Jojomei | Twistedlovebug | Diannekarol | Shedanced | Spiffystar | Dancelikecrazy | Breatheforlove | EMN Hosting
5. Place this banner on your website and link it to http://glamourville.multiply.com (10 pts)
6. Blog about this contest and link back to the contest post (Loving Pink). (10pts)
7. Comment on the contest post using your name, Paypal Email Address and Email Address.
Please visit Loving Pink for more details. This contest is until April, 15, 2011.