Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yellow Yum Birthday Giveaway Contest

In line with Yellow Yum's Birthday Contest, she asked us to post an answer to the question "How do you make your birthday or Christmas special?" With a little bit of soul searching I came up with this answer:

Ever since I was a kid, Christmas has always been my favorite time of the year. I used to look forward to all the gifts given by my loved ones and Santa. But over the years it has somehow lost its sparkle and excitement. Nevertheless, it's still special because I get to spend it with my loved ones and I'm able to give out loot bags to kids in our village. Most of all it's the only time when I get to buy something extravagant and reward myself for working so hard all year round (for the rest of the year, I only buy the things I feel are necessary). I actually save money the whole year to buy that one special gift. In that way, I always look forward to Christmas and each time it's always memorable. I know it sounds materialistic but it's kinda the only time I get to be one (so guys please give me a break! hahaha!).

You too can have a chance at the fabulous prizes that Yellow Yum is giving away so visit http://yellowyum.blogspot.com/2010/11/birthday-giveaway-contest.html for more details.

Contest runs until November 30, 2010.

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