The best thing about being a blogger is having the ability to convey your ideas to as much people as possible especially with regards to worthy causes. You are able to contribute in your own small way just by writing about it on your blog. Having said that, I'm very happy to be a part of The World We Want Philippines Project's Blogger Initiative.
A project of the United Nations, The World We Want or My World is a global survey for citizens. Its objective is to determine the six most urgent issues that the world is facing. They are conducting a poll where people are taken to a page where they can enumerate or choose six items that they think are of utmost importance in their lives. World leaders are then informed of the results and from there they can formulate solutions to end poverty.
I already voted and the issues I chose are better healthcare, access to clean water and sanitation, freedom from discrimination and persecution, protection against crime and violence, reliable energy at home, affordable and nutritious food.
I'm urging everyone to join this campaign and vote. Let your voices be heard and vote here:
Furthermore, please visit and like World We Want Philippines' Facebook page and follow @WorldWeWantPH on Twitter.