Friday, August 31, 2012

Improving My Alexa Ranking

I want to receive more writing opportunities from paid to post sites like Blogsvertise, Link Vehicle, Sponsored Reviews, PayPerPost and a lot more. That's why I'm trying very hard to increase my page rank from PR1 to PR2. I do these by writing posts more frequently. I hope that I'll achieve that goal anytime soon. But that's not the only thing I'm working on. I'm also trying to lower my Alexa ranking. I want to sign up for a blogging site but I couldn't get in because my Alexa rank is not below 1 million. So good luck to me. They say that Alexa ranking is important because it provides the owner of the blog with valuable information. Website ranking is based on page views and market reach which is determined by the number of users who visit your blog on a given day. Anyone can download the Alexa tool to see their blog's ranking and improve it.


Liz said...

Best of luck! We have the same goal, to increase PR. :)

earthlingorgeous said...

good luck on your endeavor. post comments on blogs more do blog hop and blog exchanges it could help.

Angela Ricardo said...

good luck to your plans. I stopped blogging daily ... i didn't see any changes on my pr update after trying it for 3 months.

Czjai said...

I hate how Google took away my PR2 and relegated me to PR1. Lesson learned: always 'nofollow' :)

Good luck with the Alexa ranking! This one's easier to achieve compared to the PR. The latter is erratic kasi. You don't know what Google is really up to. Haha!

The Mommy Roves said...

alexa is something i still don't understand:p im actually joining it now :P

The Bargain Doll