Friday, October 8, 2010

The Adventurous Little Prince

I find this blog ( really cute because it's written from the point of view of a child. I have a 5-year old nephew who will definitely identify with this blog and would most certainly like reading it. I like the simple baby blue layout with all its pictures of balloons and airplanes. It chronicles the daily life of Jerome James, all his adventures and musings. There are a lot of cute pictures of Jerome and I'm easily reminded of JB (my nephew). The blog has many categories like Blogging, Contests, Babies and Kids, Mommy Moments, Music, School Time etc. In school time Jhay Jhay (Jerome's nickname) narrates about how he likes his school and having well-behaved classmates. If ever you don't have kids and you read this blog you'll have a pretty good idea of how the mind of a child works. I had fun reading the posts and somewhat entertained the idea of also writing a blog about kids which I think a lot of moms out there will appreciate. Do check out the site at and follow it.

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